Thursday, February 28, 2013


Like February, this post is going to be a short one.  If I've failed to muse about Muse-icals, then here's my chance!  Three years ago, I planned my first all day excursion to New York City with students from my high school.  And when I say "all day", I literally mean 24 hours.  We depart our school at around 5:30am to arrive in NYC around 10:30am.  We visit a few museums/other points of interest, have dinner in Times Square and then venture forth to see a Broadway Musical.  Once our chosen show is over, we board the bus and depart NYC by 10:30pm to arrive home around 3:00am.  So, we don't exactly make 24 stills makes for a long, and may I say, rewarding, day

For our trip this year, we will be seeing Matilda.  In past years, the group has never so unanimously agreed with our chosen selection as they do this time.  Everyone is giddy (well at least that's my word for how I'm teenager would dare use the word "giddy") with excitement over the thought of seeing this live and on Broadway.  Heralding from London for it's first U.S. appearance, we are counting the days until our April departure date.

While I'm at it, I might as well mention another play that I am excited for.  Tuck Everlasting, a book I read as a tween, is making it's first appearance as a musical in Boston.  Boston, is the test audience, and after watching Smash, I find this concept a little more intriguing.  I'm not sure if I'll make this trip with a school group or if we'll just take the family, but in any case, it's on my to-do list for May.  I may have to read the book, again, though.  I read this book and Bridge to Terebithia around the same time.  I wouldn't want there to be any thematic confusion. 

So, as I bid farewell to February, I look forward to spring and the opportunity to attend a musical or two.

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